Have you mastered masturbation? If you haven’t, you’ve come to the right place. I offer more than just phone sex, I offer a way for you to become the master of masturbation, but I will be your Mistress of Masturbation, your teacher, your guidance counselor in the stroking arts. If you’ve never thought of masturbation as an art form, you need to think again.
We have a new weekly newsletter available to all of our loyal fans, be sure to check it out at https://weeklystroker.com You will find some fun articles and interesting news about your favorite phone sex mistresses as well as radio updates and fun facts. You can subscribe to the Weekly Stroker by entering your e-mail address. We really hope you enjoy it.
I will be around and taking calls later today as well as through the weekend so if you’re in the mood for some ear fucking, pick up the phone.
Talk to you soon!
Mistress Tia