I was reading Cosmo this week and it gave me an idea for a game. A sort of phone sex game we can play. Of course, this would require complete submission on your part and complete honesty on both our parts. I’m sure as a child most of you played truth or dare. Wouldn’t it be fun to play it on the phone during a fantasy phone sex call? I love wild fantasies, strange fetishes and unique perversions. So, I dare you to tell me yours. That’s the theme of the week, before I leave on vacation. I want to hear all about your wild fantasies. So, which will you choose? Truth or Dare?
The days have been getting longer and the temperature is getting higher which of course makes me want to strip off whatever I’m wearing and head for the pool. The pool boy was nice enough this week to fix the underwater lighting so now I can have a night swim, which I adore. I plan to take a long leisurely nude swim and then come into my office all refreshed and ready to hear what your hot July nights are all about.
I mentioned vacation above because I am planning to take one. I’ll be leaving July 31st and I’ll return the 4th of August. So, you’ll all just have to hold onto your boners until then. Like that will be hard for any of you to do, right? After all, masturbating on the phone for me is your favorite summer activity, isn’t it?