Ok, it’s almost time for my favorite time of year, SPRING! Of course spring would not be complete without my birthday. 5 days from now, the statement March 4th will remind you that it is Mistress Tia’s day to March FORTH and command all boys. However, I will be lounging at the beach for my birthday this year so you will all have to spoil me either before I leave or after I return.

Baby J, good to get to talk to you again. I will be posting your embarassing and telling photos on my blog soon. I won’t tell you when, I’ll just let you keep checking in desparation, lol. It is so much more fun that way.

M, I guess you’d better get a call in with me before my birthday, huh? I will be available and taking calls all day Tuesday and Wednesday, the 27th and 28th of February. Too bad this isn’t leap year, I would soooo enjoy an extra day of fun with my boys!

Talk soon,